API Gateways & Proxies

The guides in this section show how you can extend the corresponding proxies and API gateways with heimdall to implement Edge-Level Authorization Architecture.

Contour Integration

This guide explains how to integrate heimdall with Contour, an open source, high performance ingress controller for Kubernetes.

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Emissary Ingress Integration

This guide explains how to integrate heimdall with Emissary-Ingress Controller.

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Envoy Gateway Integration

This guide explains how to integrate heimdall with Envoy Gateway.

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Envoy Integration

This guide explains how to integrate heimdall with Envoy.

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HAProxy Integration

Explains how to integrate heimdall with HAProxy.

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NGINX Integration

This guide explains how to integrate heimdall with NGINX as well as with the NGINX Ingress Controller.

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Traefik Proxy Integration

This guide explains how to integrate heimdall with Traefik Proxy.

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Last updated on Mar 9, 2024