Rule Providers

Rule providers manage rules in heimdall. They load, reload or remove rules when new rule sets appear, changes are detected, or rule sets are deleted.

Providers allow definition of sources to load the rule sets from. These make heimdall’s behavior dynamic. All providers, you want to enable for a heimdall instance must be configured within the providers section of heimdall’s configuration.

Below, you can find the description and configuration options for currently supported providers.


The filesystem provider allows loading of regular rule sets in JSON or YAML format from a file system.


The configuration of this provider goes into the file_system property. This provider is handy for e.g. starting playing around with heimdall, e.g. locally, or using a container runtime, as well as if your deployment strategy considers deploying a heimdall instance as a Side-Car for each of your services.

Following configuration options are supported:

  • src: string (mandatory)

    Can either be a single file, containing a rule set, or a directory with files, each containing a rule set.

  • watch: boolean (optional)

    Whether the configured src should be watched for updates. Defaults to false. If the src has been configured to a single file, the provider will watch for changes in that file. Otherwise, if the src has been configured to a directory, the provider will watch for files appearing and disappearing in this directory, as well as for changes in each particular file in this directory. Recursive lookup is not supported. That is, if the configured directory contains further directories, these, as well as their contents are ignored.

  • env_vars_enabled: boolean (optional)

    Whether to enable environment variables access in the rule set files. Defaults to false. If set to true, environment variables usage using Bash syntax is possible as with the static configuration.

    All environment variables, used in the rule set files must be known in advance to the heimdall process (when it starts). In addition, the usage of that functionality might lead to security issues. If an adversary is somehow able to add new or update existing rule sets, it would be theoretically able exfiltrating environment variables available to the heimdall process by crafting contextualizers or authorizers, which would forward the corresponding values to a controlled service. So, use with caution, disable the watching of rule set updates and try to avoid!
    Example 1. Rule set making use of environment variables
    version: "1alpha4"
    name: my-rule-set
    - id: rule:1
          - path: /**
          - type: exact
            value: my-service1.local
        methods: [ "GET" ]
        host: ${UPSTREAM_HOST:="default-backend:8080"}
        - authorizer: foobar


Example 2. Load rule sets from the files residing in the /path/to/rules/dir directory and watch for changes.
  src: /path/to/rules/dir
  watch: true
Example 3. Load rule sets from the /path/to/rules.yaml file without watching it for changes.
  src: /path/to/rules.yaml

HTTP Endpoint

This provider allows loading of regular rule sets in JSON or YAML format from any remote endpoint accessible via HTTP(s). The format selection happens based on the Content-Type set in the response from the endpoint, which must be either application/yaml or application/json, otherwise an error is logged and the response from the endpoint is ignored.

The loading and removal of rules happens as follows:

  • if the response status code is an HTTP 200 OK and contains a rule sets in a known format (see above), the corresponding rules are loaded (if the definitions are valid)

  • in case of network issues, like dns errors, timeouts and alike, the rule sets previously received from the corresponding endpoints are preserved.

  • in any other case related to network communication (e.g. not 200 status code, empty response body, unsupported format, etc.), the corresponding rules are removed if previously loaded.


The configuration of this provider goes into the http_endpoint property. In contrast to the Filesystem provider, it can be configured with as many endpoints to load rule sets from as required for the particular use case.

Following configuration options are supported:

  • watch_interval: Duration (optional)

    Whether the configured endpoints should be polled for updates. Defaults to 0s (polling disabled).

  • endpoints: Endpoint array (mandatory)

    Each entry of that array supports all the properties defined by Endpoint, except method, which is always GET. As with the Endpoint type, at least the url must be configured.

HTTP caching according to RFC 7234 is enabled by default. It can be disabled on the particular endpoint by setting http_cache.enabled to false.


Example 4. Minimal possible configuration

Here the provider is configured to load a rule set from one endpoint without polling it for changes.

    - url:
Example 5. Load rule sets from remote endpoints and watch for changes.

Here, the provider is configured to poll the two defined rule set endpoints for changes every 5 minutes.

The configuration for both endpoints instructs heimdall to disable HTTP caching. The configuration of the second endpoint uses a couple of additional properties. One to ensure the communication to that endpoint is more resilient by setting the retry options and since this endpoint is protected by an API key, it defines the corresponding options as well.

  watch_interval: 5m
    - url:
        enabled: false
    - url:
        enabled: false
        give_up_after: 5s
        max_delay: 250ms
        type: api_key
          name: X-Api-Key
          value: super-secret
          in: header

Cloud Blob

This provider allows loading of regular rule sets from cloud blobs, like AWS S3 buckets, Google Cloud Storage, Azure Blobs, or other API compatible implementations and supports rule sets in YAML, as well as in JSON format. The format selection happens based on the Content-Type set in the metadata of the loaded blob, which must be either application/yaml or application/json, otherwise an error is logged and the blob is ignored.

The loading and removal of rules happens as follows:

  • if the response status code is an HTTP 200 OK and contains a rule set in a known format (see above), the corresponding rules are loaded (if the definitions are valid)

  • in case of network issues, like dns errors, timeouts and alike, the rule sets previously received from the corresponding buckets are preserved.

  • in any other case like, not 200 status code, empty response body, unsupported format, etc, the corresponding rules are removed if previously loaded.


The configuration of this provider goes into the cloud_blob property. As with HTTP Endpoint provider, it can be configured with as many buckets/blobs to load rule sets from as required for the particular use case.

Following configuration options are supported:

  • watch_interval: Duration (optional)

    Whether the configured buckets should be polled for updates. Defaults to 0s (polling disabled).

  • buckets: BlobReference array (mandatory)

    Each BlobReference entry in that array supports the following properties:

    • url: string (mandatory)

      The actual url to the bucket or to a specific blob in the bucket.

    • prefix: string (optional)

      Indicates that only blobs with a key starting with this prefix should be retrieved

The differentiation which storage is used is based on the URL scheme. These are:

Other API compatible storage services, like Minio, Ceph, SeaweedFS, etc. can be used as well. The corresponding and other options can be found in the Go CDK Blob documentation, the implementation of this provider is based on.

The communication to the storage services requires an active session to the corresponding cloud provider. The session information is taken from the vendor specific environment variables, respectively configuration. See AWS Session, GC Application Default Credentials and Azure Storage Access for more information.


Example 6. Minimal possible configuration

Here the provider is configured to load rule sets from all blobs stored on the Google Cloud Storage bucket named "my-bucket" without polling for changes.

    - url: gs://my-bucket
Example 7. Load rule sets from AWS S3 buckets and watch for changes.
  watch_interval: 2m
    - url: gs://my-bucket
      prefix: service1
    - url: gs://my-bucket
      prefix: service2
    - url: s3://my-bucket/my-rule-set?region=us-west-1

Here, the provider is configured to poll multiple buckets with rule sets for changes every 2 minutes.

The first two bucket reference configurations reference actually the same bucket on Google Cloud Storage, but different blobs based on the configured blob prefix. The first one will let heimdall loading only those blobs, which start with service1, the second only those, which start with service2.

The last one instructs heimdall to load rule set from a specific blob, namely a blob named my-rule-set, which resides on the my-bucket AWS S3 bucket, which is located in the us-west-1 AWS region.


This provider is only supported if heimdall is running within Kubernetes and allows usage (validation and loading) of RuleSet custom resources deployed to the same Kubernetes environment.


The configuration of this provider goes into the kubernetes property and supports the following configuration options:

  • auth_class: string (optional)

    By making use of this property, you can specify which rule sets should be used by this particular heimdall instance. If specified, heimdall will consider the value of the authClassName attribute of each RuleSet resource deployed to the cluster and validate, respectively load only those rules, which authClassName values matching the value of auth_class. If not set all RuleSet resources will be used.

  • tls: TLS (optional)

    If configured, heimdall will start and expose a validating admission controller service on port 4458 listening on all interfaces. This service allows integration with the Kubernetes API server enabling validation of the applied RuleSet resources before these are made available to heimdall for loading. This way you will get a direct feedback about issues without the need to look into heimdall logs if a RuleSet resource could not be loaded (See also API documentation for more details).

    To let the Kubernetes API server use the admission controller, there is a need for a properly configured ValidatingWebhookConfiguration. The Helm Chart shipped with heimdall does this automatically as soon as this property is configured. It does however need a caBundle to be set or injected. Otherwise, the Kubernetes API server won’t trust the configured TLS certificate and won’t use the endpoint.

Since multiple heimdall deployments with different configured auth_class names can coexist, RuleSet resources with mismatching authClassName will be ignored by a particular deployment. In addition, Kubernetes API server validation requests for mismatching rule sets result in a successful response. This behavior is required as otherwise, as soon as the API server receives even a single failed validation response, the affected RuleSet resource will be discarded and not made available for loading to any of the available heimdall deployments.

That also means, if there is no heimdall deployment feeling responsible for the given RuleSet resource (due to authClassName - auth_class mismatch), the affected RuleSet resource will be silently ignored.


Example 8. Minimal possible configuration

Here, the provider is just enabled. Since no auth_class is configured, it will load all RuleSet resources deployed to the Kubernetes environment.

kubernetes: {}
Example 9. Configuration with auth_class set

Here, the provider is configured to consider only those RuleSet resources, which authClassName is set to foo.

  auth_class: foo
Example 10. Configuration with auth_class set and enabled validating admission controller

As with the previous example, the provider is configured to consider only those RuleSet resources, which authClassName is set to foo. The admission controller is enabled as well and will validate RuleSet resources before these are made available for loading.

  auth_class: foo
    # below is the minimal required configuration
      path: /path/to/file.pem

This provider requires a RuleSet CRD being deployed, otherwise heimdall will not be able to monitor corresponding resources and emit error messages to the log.

If you have used the Helm Chart to install heimdall, this CRD is already installed. You can however install it also like this:

$ kubectl apply -f

Last updated on Sep 11, 2024