Here, you can find the description of heimdall's command line interface.

Usage Patterns

heimdall [command] [flags] [arguments]

Use heimdall help to get overview about available commands, respectively heimdall [command] help for help on any command.

Flag’s usage:

# set flag_argument to flag(s)
heimdall [--flag=flag_argument] [-f [flag_argument]]


heimdall validate config -c config.yaml


  • completion

    Generates the autocompletion script for the specified shell.

  • health

    Calls heimdall’s healthcheck endpoint to verify the status of the deployment.

  • help

    Provides an overview about the available commands and their descriptions.

  • serve

    Starts heimdall in the decision, or the reverse proxy operation mode.

  • validate

    Validates heimdall configuration, like rules or the actual configuration.

Last updated on Mar 9, 2024