
Rules defines what should happen to particular requests and under which conditions. They assemble the authentication & authorization and error pipelines and bring previously configured mechanisms to life.

You can compare the relation between mechanisms and rules to a relation between a catalogue at a car dealer and a real car, when you get it. So, mechanisms is what you can see and select in a catalogue (though, in case of heimdall you have to define that catalogue first) to compile your car and the rule is your car with real components and behaviour. In that sense when you define a rule, you specify which mechanisms should it be built from and whether you would like some "tuning" to be applied to better suit your needs.

Rule Types

Heimdall supports two types of rules:

  • The upstream specific rule, also called the regular rule. You can define as many regular rules, as required. These rules are dynamic by nature and can come and go together with the upstream service defining these.

  • The default rule, which, if defined, is used by the regular rules to inherit their behaviour and is also executed if no other rule matches.

Memory Footprint

Even the first paragraphs compare mechanisms and the rules with a catalogue of car parts and a real car, things are a bit more complex in reality.

To minimize the memory footprint, heimdall instanciates all defined mechanisms on start up. And since all mechanisms are stateless, following is happening at runtime, when the rule is loaded:

  • If a rule, respectively its pipeline just references a mechanism without providing additional configuration, the already instantiated mechanism is used.

  • Otherwise, if the pipeline overrides any parts of the default mechanism configuration, a shallow copy of the referenced mechanism instance (created at start up) is created, and only those parts, which differ are replaced with new objects, representing the pipeline specific configuration.

Execution of Rules

The diagram below sketches the logic executed by heimdall for each and every incoming request.

Failed to generate image: Could not find the 'mmdc' executable in PATH; add it to the PATH or specify its location using the 'mmdc' document attribute
flowchart TD
    req[Request] --> findRule{1: any\nrule\nmatching\nrequest?}
    findRule -->|no| err2[404 Not Found]
    findRule -->|yes| regularPipeline[2: execute\nauthentication & authorization\npipeline]
    regularPipeline --> failed{failed?}
    failed -->|yes| errPipeline[execute error pipeline]
    failed -->|no| success[3: forward request,\nrespectively respond\nto the API gateway]
    errPipeline --> errResult[4: result of the\nused error handler]
  1. Any rule matching request? - This is the first step executed by heimdall in which it tries to find a matching rule. If there is no matching rule, heimdall either falls back to the default rule if available, or the request is denied. Otherwise, the rule specific authentication & authorization pipeline is executed.

  2. Execute authentication & authorization pipeline - when a rule is matched, the mechanisms defined in its authentication & authorization pipeline are executed.

  3. Forward request, respectively respond to the API gateway - when the above steps succeed, heimdall, depending on the operating mode, responds with, respectively forwards whatever was defined in the pipeline (usually this is a set of HTTP headers). Otherwise

  4. Execute error pipeline is executed if any of the mechanisms, defined in the authentiction & authorization pipeline fail. This again results in a response, this time however, based on the definition in the used error handler.

Matching of Rules

As written above, an upstream specific rule is only executed when it matches an incoming request.

The actual matching happens via the requests URL path, which is guaranteed to happen with O(log(n)) time complexity and is based on the path expressions specified in the loaded rules. These expressions support usage of (named) wildcards to capture segments of the matched path. The implementation ensures, that more specific path expressions are matched first regardless of the placement of rules in a rule set.

Additional conditions, like the host, the HTTP method, or application of regular or glob expressions can also be taken into account, allowing different rules for the same path expressions. The information about the HTTP method, scheme, host, path and query is taken either from the request itself, or if present and allowed, from the X-Forwarded-Proto, X-Forwarded-Host, X-Forwarded-Uri and X-Forwarded-Method headers of the incoming request.

There is also an option to have backtracking to a rule with a less specific path expression, if the actual specific path is matched, but the above said additional conditions are not satisfied.

Default Rule & Inheritance

The Rule Types section tells, that a default rule can be used as a base to inherit behavior for the regular rule.

In principle, there is a need to differentiate two things:

  • the defined rule, which is what you define

  • the effective rule, which is what is executed at runtime

This is comparable to the polymorphism concept in programming languages. So, how does it work?

Imagine, the concept of a rule is e.g. an interface written in Java defining the following methods:

public interface Rule {
  public void executeAuthenticationStage(req Request)
  public void executeAuthorizationStage(req Request)
  public void executeFinalizationStage(req Request)
  public void handleError(req Request)

And the logic described in Execution of Rules is implemented similar to what is shown in the snippet below

Rule rule = findMatchingRule(req)
if (rule == null) {
  throw new NotFoundError()

try {
  // execution of the authentication & authorization pipeline

  // further logic related to response creation
} catch(Exception e) {
  // execution of the error pipeline

  // further logic related to response creation

with findMatchingRule returning a specific instance of a class implementing our Rule interface matching the request.

Since there is some default behaviour in place, like error handling, if the error pipeline is empty, and some stages of the authentication & authorization pipeline is optional, internally, there is some kind of base rule in place, all other rules inherit from. So something like shown in the snippet below.

public abstract class BaseRule implements Rule {
  public abstract void executeAuthenticationStage(req Request)
  public void executeAuthorizationStage(req Request) {}
  public void executeFinalizationStage(req Request) {}
  public void handleError(req Request) { handlerErrorDefault(req) }

If there is no default rule configured, an upstream specific rule can then be considered as a class inheriting from that BaseRule and must implement at least the executeAuthenticationStage method, similar to what is shown below

public class MySpecificRule extends BaseRule {
  public void executeAuthenticationStage(req Request) { ... }

If however, there is a default rule configured, on one hand, it can be considered as yet another class deriving from our BaseClass. So, something like

public class DefaultRule extends BaseRule {
  public void executeAuthenticationStage(req Request) { ... }
  public void executeAuthorizationStage(req Request) { ... }
  public void executeFinalizationStage(req Request) { ... }
  public void handleError(req Request) { ... }

with at least the aforesaid executeAuthenticationStage method being implemented, as this is also required for the regular rule.

On the other hand, the definition of a regular, respectively upstream specific rule is then not a class deriving from the BaseRule, but from the DefaultRule. That way, upstream specific rules are only required, if the behavior of the default rule would not fit the given requirements of a particular service, respectively endpoint. So, if e.g. a rule requires only the authentication stage to be different from the default rule, you would only specify the required authentication mechanisms. That would result in something like shown in the snippet below.

public class SpecificRule extends DefaultRule {
  public void executeAuthenticationStage(req Request) { ... }

And if there is a need to have the authorization stage deviating from the default rule, you would only specify the required authorization and contextualization mechanisms, resulting in something like

public class SpecificRule extends DefaultRule {
  public void executeAuthorizationStage(req Request) { ... }
You cannot override a single mechanism of a particular stage. As soon as you define a single mechanism in a pipeline, belonging to the one or the other stage, the entire stage is overridden.

Last updated on Apr 30, 2024